Introduction (hope it dosnt Bore you)

Well I don't know how to start with, what I really want to write on a blog, to start with let me introduce myself I am a physical therapist by profession. Yet I have a varied interests , to start with I feel that I am a good creator, I am a self made artist I taught painting to myself, still I have not forgotten the memory of getting a participation certificate at USSR cultural center at Chennai which kick started my interest in painting thanks to my hippocampus and amygdala in my brain which has still not erased that episodic memory. I don't know whether I reached the destination , there is still a long have to go.
Science has always been my interest. I fascinate the functions of Brain. Neuro Psychology and Cognitive Psychology interests me a lot, I try to substantiate all day to day activities right from, love ,sex, ego, guilt and what not based the Brains function. Don't give that weird look well I am not a Neuro scientists, Evolutionary psychology impresses me a lot. I think I am boring you isn't it.
எதாவது சாதிகன்னும்னு நினைக்கிற பாலரில் நானும் ஒருவன் ! வெறும் பிறந்தோம் இறந்தோம் என்று இல்லாமல் , இந்த பூமில நம்ம traces விட்டுட்டு போகனும் ,not just my bloodline. Da Vinci மாதிரி ,Einstein மாதிரி நமக்கு பரிச்சயமான Ramanujan மாதிரி… எதையாவது சாதிக்கணும்
when I was in school if someone questioned my ambition , I used say I wished to become a film director, just wishing and dreaming does not take us to what we want, every thing around us should be conducive. Being intelligent or creative does not fetch you what you want,சீ இந்த பழம் புளிக்கும் கதை மாதிரி நம்மள நாமே மதிக்க வேண்டியத இருக்கு.
சாதிச்சவங்க எல்லாம் எப்படி சாதிச்சாங்க …..? தெரியல் (X-Factor).இன்னும் சாதிக்க முயல்கிறேன் ,துவளாமல் ஓடிகொடிருகிரேன் .


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