Rise Dear Women
A few years back I started writing a draft of my book when I was debilitated with back pain, It's been five years, once again I am inert on the bed due to Disc pain. A high dose of painkillers keeps my brain fogged,wraps my thoughts with depression and makes my circadian rhythm go out of sync. The only company through the lonely night is the music of ilayaraja.The subaudible music keeps playing till dawn. I am unclear about what I was planning to write, Maybe I will try auto writing,I feel inebriated with the dose of medicines which is trying to uncover the conscious shell to unravel the subconscious creativity. what am i going to write? Is it about the Goldhilocks zone ? Is it about Fluke theory? Is about pan spermia ? or Is it about nothing... Oh my god even nothing makes sense in qantum physics. I don't know whether this is a cacograph of cognitive dis inhibition or a pandemonium of the Analgesic Cocktail.All that i wish for is to gather some...