
It was  2016 November, it was the last few days she was going to spend in Chennai. Her  love was going to be separated by a distance of 500km. Though she can stay in touch with him virtually, the thought of physical separation was very painful. Vivian was his name, it was an unusual name any south Indian would have, probably it was because of his father's interest in linguistics.
She had already booked her bus tickets to return to her native. They both decided to spend quality time together. Both of them never understood Hindi but they were watching a Hindi film named "Ae dill hai mushkil". Hardly few audiences were there in the theater, the corner seat was instigating romance. He clasped her hands, her tender palms started sweating, he has always witnessed her palms sweat during the emotional drive.With a loud burst the theater audio started screaming  "Bulleya" song, with the rise of the music she wasn't able to control herself, she pulled him and kissed him intensely. By the time anything would progress the song came to an end.The film got over by 3 pm they were heading towards hostel in two-wheeler, she always hated him for not wearing his helmet, she denied to pillion ride if he doesn't wear his helmet, the helmet he wore was her birthday gift for him. Halfway through the ride they stopped near a paani poori street food shop, she would die for paani poori anytime and the way she effortlessly takes paani poori without spilling needs expertise he thought.
Two more days were left before she leaves for her hometown. she wanted to visit the museum in Chennai, She had recently changed her deodorant and its fragrance was registering as memories. that day she wore a nice white t-shirt and denim jeans, the t-shirt had "Rock my life " printed on it.
Their tour to the museum was engaging , she admired his knowledge in archeology and his interest in paleontology it was a rare combination of engineering student having it she thought. Somehow this was the character that attracted her in the first place. He had  700 rs left in his purse,that was the last balance money which he took from his parents, Both of them were selected in campus interveiw and their placement was due in december. He filled petrol for two hundred rupees, on the way back she was leaning on his back, he was able to feel the warmth of her love , she adducted both her thighs...she found no reaction, she thought he must be a dumb ass , he was not able to pick up from the green signal she gave. She decided not to give cryptic clues further ,rather be straightforward... 
That afternoon was so heavenly for her, she felt as though thousands of rockets were ignited for launch, it was like a biological cosmic Collison for her...
After hours of crying they parted with pain, he went to see off her to the Chennai Mofussil Bus Terminus he wondered if somebody deliberately coined the word Mofussil which is derived from  Arabic mufaṣṣal which meant separated.Another few moments they were ging to be separated , It was November 8th at 10 pm , the bus moved slowly out of the terminus her eyes were filled with tears he felt it was doomsday, the pain was insufferable. He stood lone until the bus disappeared in the city traffic.
 Her face was flashing in his thoughts every second, she called him around 1 am, she was sobbing and she said she  was missing him very badly. He was sleepless throughout that night, he decided to meet her on her birthday which was on 13th November, and surprise her. 
It was the last day in the hostel every student had vacated the hostel. he decided to meet her on her birthday and then go to his native.
Four-day flew like seconds he didn't move out of his hostel and he was eagerly waiting to meet her, On Saturday he went to the bus terminus to take a bus to her native, he hadn't reserved the tickets, he had his last 500 Rs left in his wallet. His 500Rs note was not valid due to demonetization , he was hungry he was not even able buy food with the demonetized 500rs, he was not able to buy bus tickets, he desperately wanted to surprise his girlfriend on her birthday. He decided to bike ride 500Km, 
He filled petrol using his debit card, 
she pinged him saying " hi " he replied advance birthday wishes to my angelic soul the conversation continued for while, he asked will you be awake at 12 ?
 she said I will wait for your first wish, he never revealed  her that he is coming to meet her. he signed off saying " good night baby". 
It was almost 10 pm he started his ride, it was cool breezy weather, the doppler effect produced by passing vehicles were mesmerizing, He plugged his earphones, his playlist was full of Rehman songs which she liked, when "Munbae va en anbae va " song played his memories went back to the intimate day they spent before she left, from somewhere he was able to feel the smell of the deodorant she used. The previous day before she left after visiting the museum when they were returning she sat in the pillion and asked what is the next plan, he said no plans,  just going back to the hostel.She said take me somewhere where it is safe... where he asked? Anywhere as you wish.. he said can we go to broken bridge .. she felt this guy is never going to pick up clues. she said come with me to my friend's room .. is that okay with you she asked ..
He nodded his head .. they both went to her friend's room, her friend said she had some work and left somewhere , the moment her friend left she closed the doors hugged him tightly and kissed him insanely. She bit him on his neck, she went controlless. she was hornier in at ceetain times of the month and it was one of those days , he became breathless never thought she would be so passionate. 
He slipped his hands underneath her t-shirt, his palms weren't sufficient to bear the fullness of her bosoms, his passion was like a sudden volcanic eruption. He bit on her bosom, only then he realised  he was odaxelagnic, he became like a musth male , after few hours of intense foreplay they ended up having sex... 
The clock ticked 12am 13th November she received a what's app message wishing her for the birthday
She thought he would call, she was very angry with him, she tried calling him, his mobile was switched off...
It was 6 am she received a voice message asking her to come to park near her house,  she woke up , dressed up and ran there, the sound of chirping bird , the scent of the plants in the garden and the drizilling rain was arousing her mood . Vivian was standing in front of her. She ran and hugged him and said there could be no better gift than the surprise he gave , she pointed the love mark on his neck and said love you a lot.
He kissed  on her forehead ,  gave a bunch of red roses and genuflect in front of her and asked will you marry me? tears started rolling over her cheeks ...
Suddenly her mobile rang and she was jolted  from sleep , it was 6 am... all this while she was dreaming , but her eyes were still wet ...
It was call from vivian , she said hi vivian... but someone else was on the other end it was matured husky authoritative male was spoke in different dialect of tamil, he  asked may I know who is this, she asked why?  Because this was the last dialed number from this mobile  they said. I am Vivian's girlfriend she said ... 
He said he called from a local police station and he  point blank declared that Vivian was spot  dead in a road traffic accident the previous night. She became mute , every thing froze around her her breath stopped stopped afer few seconds the was huge sigh and there was thunderous burst of cry..
 She threw  her mobile , has it fell down she heard the voice of vivian in a video message.. he had said the same thing that she had  dreamt in her dreams...Vivian was no more, she just remembered a poem which Vivian liked 
When I am dead
Cry for me a little
Think of me sometimes
But not too much.
Think of me now and again
As I was in life
At some moments it's pleasant to recall
But not for long
Leave me in peace
And I shall leave you in peace
And while you live
Let your thoughts be with the living.


  1. Nice sir👍 in 8mins this whole story gave some many emotions nice narration sir.


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